Solidity provides a data structure mapping to store keys and values in a hashtable kind of format.
It is similar to hashtable in java and Map in javascript and typescript. It is a reference type similar to Array and struct. In SOlidity, It does not support the loop to map keys and values.
mapping(keyType=> valueType) public mappingVariable;
allows any value data types except string and array. reference types are not allowed such as Array, Struct, and Mapping.valueType
It can be any type(value or reference types)- For every key that exists in Solidity, the Default value is zero’s bytes in type
- No limit on the size of mapping in solidity
- Mapping uses storage and not Memory, Hence, state variables are used.
- default visibility for mapping is public
How to declare a mapping in Solidity?
First, Define the variable declaration using the mapping keyword, and declare the data type of the key and value.
Created a mapping and each key store’s address type and value is Employee type.
Here is an example to declare a solidity where the key is addressed and the value is Employee. The employee is a custom type declared with struct
// Solidity program example for Mapping reference type
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
// Defining contract
contract MappingTest {
//Declare Employee structure
struct Employee
uint8 id;
string subject;
uint8 marks;
// Creating a mapping for address and employee
mapping (address => Employee) employees;
address[] public employeesArray;
How to add values to Mapping in solidity?
This example writes a value for a given key.
Here is an example code
function add(string memory key, string name) public returns (bool){
employees[key].name = name;
return true;