calc() is a function in CSS3 used to perform calculations on CSS attributes expressions.
/* cssproperty: calc(expression) */
expression formed using arithmetic operators and result value as output.
Here is an example calc example
width: calc(20px + 60px);
The width is calculated as 80px for the given div in CSS.
How to use stylus variable in calc function
stylus variables can be used in CSS with % sprintf syntax Sprintf is like a printf function that used the % symbol, to generate a string literal with passing arguments.
in place with string replaces the string value.
Here is a syntax
"calc(100px-%s)" % (variable)
Here is an example
width:"calc(200px + %s)" % (mobilewidth)
Generated CSS
div {
width: calc(200px + 100px);
You can also use multiple variables.
width:"calc(%s - %s)" % (basewidth mobilewidth)
Generated CSS
div {
width: calc(500px - 100px);