What is cypress

Cypress is a free and open source automation e2e tool

You can test any page or component that runs on a browser with Cypress.

It is based on the NodeJS runtime framework that uses JavaScript language. It tests the frontend and backend applications

Cypress provides all features

  • Testing framework
  • assertion library
  • Mocking
  • Stubbing
  • Real-time hot reload
  • Time travel
  • Can run with CI tools

Cypress Advantages

  • Free and open source used by JavaScript frameworks
  • It defines, builds, and tests e2e components easily, and quickly
  • It has an inbuilt wait automatically for each command assertion
  • Test executions run inside a browser in Cypress Engine


  • it only tests multiple in a single session on a browser, Not possible with multiple sessions in a browser
  • Cross-browser testing is not supported
  • Online selenium, windows change is not supported

Is Cypress good for API testing?

Cypress can be used for testing API. Normally It initiates and simulates front end request that calls backend APIs.

Can we use BDD in Cypress?

BDD is a business-driven development testing framework used with Cucumber. Cypress provides integration and writing tests with BDD frameworks such as Cypress.