Netbeans provides find and replace features by default. The edit menu contains the following features.

  • Find Selection
  • Find Next
  • Find Previous
  • Find
  • Replace
  • Find Usage
  • Find in Projects
  • Replace in Projects

How to search and replace in the Entire project?

  • Search Using Menu items

    • First, select a project a file, or a selection of lines
    • Click on Edit Menu
  • Find in Projects - It opens a Popup window and enters below details

      - `Containing Text` : text to search
      - `Scope` : In the current project select Folder from a file system
      - `File Name patterns` to be included: use file pattern such as *
    • Next, Click on the Find button
    • It opens a window placed at the bottom with search results
  • Search and Replace projects

  • First, select a project a file, or a selection of lines

  • Click on Edit Menu

  • Replace in Projects - It opens a Popup window and enters below details

      - `Containing Text` : text to search
      - `Replace with` : search text to be replaced.
      - `Scope` : In the current project select Folder from a file system
      - `File Name patterns` to be included: use file pattern such as *
      -  optional enable and uncheck `use ignore list` and `File Path Regular Expression`
    • Next, Click on the Continue button
    • It opens a window placed at the bottom with search results and asks for the “Replace 4 matches” button.
    • If you click on the button, It replaces text.

You can also use shortcuts

  • Find in Projects - Ctrl + Shift + F or Ctrl + F
  • Replace in Projects - Ctrl + Shift + H or Ctrl + H

How to search for file and file contents in Netbeans project


Alt + Shift + O MacOS:

Ctrl + Shift + O

How to search and replace opened files in Netbeans

  • use shortcut Ctrl + Shift + H or Ctrl + H to opens Replace in projects window

  • Enter below details

    • Containing Text : text to search
    • Replace with : search text to be replaced.
    • Scope : selectOpen Document
  • Next, Click on the Continue button

  • It opens a window placed at the bottom with search results and asks for the “Replace 4 matches” button.

  • If you click on the button, It replaces text.