Visual Studio code provides to split editors into horizontal and vertically
VsCode editor split vertically
- Start Visual Studio code
- Open a Command palette using Ctrl + Shift +p
- Type “Split” and select Split editor
- It splits the editor vertically into two editors side by side
Another way,
- Go to View Menu > Editor Layout
- It shows multiple options as shown
- Split Up
- Split Down
- Split Left
- Split Right
- Grid
- Flip Layout
- Single
- Two Columns
- Two Rows
- Three-Columns
- Three Rows
Another way, using settings in the workspace
- Open .vscode/settings.json
- update the below json entries To split the editor’s new group
workbench.editor.openSideBySideDirection: right
workbench.editor.openSideBySideDirection: down
To split the editor in the group
workbench.editor.splitInGroupLayout: horizontal workbench.editor.splitInGroupLayout: Vertical