Object introduced hasOwn method in ES2022 language.

hasOwn is a static method in the Object class, to check given property is its own property or not. It returns true if the given property is its own property, else returns false.

what does own property mean in an object?

If an object contains inherited properties via prototype inheritance or does not exist, it returns false.

hasOwn is a replacement for hasOwnProperty method.

hasOwn(Object, property)

Object is an object to test property

Here is an example

const employee = {
  id: '1',

console.log(Object.hasOwn(employee, 'id')); // true

console.log(Object.hasOwn(employee, 'name'));  // false
console.log(Object.hasOwn(employee, 'salary')); //false

Javascript Check if an object has a property or not

It is easy to check whether an object has a property or not using hasOwn or hasOwnProperty methods of an Object class

hasOwn is a static method hasOwnProperty is not static, but the instance method

hasOwn example:

const student = { name: 'abc' };
console.log(Object.hasOwn(student, 'name'));// true
console.log(Object.hasOwn(student, 'id'));// false

hasOwnProperty example

const student = { name: 'abc' };
console.log(student.hasOwnProperty('name'));// true
console.log(student.hasOwnProperty('id'));// false

difference between Object.hasOwn vs Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty

Both are used to check object’s Own property exists or not, and return a boolean true or false. However, there are a couple of differences when to use one.

hasOwn is a Static method that can be used as given below.


hasOwnProperty is an instance method that can be used as given below.


Both return the same value true or false if an object is created with literal syntax. No difference

const student = { name: 'abc' };

console.log(Object.hasOwn(student, 'name'));// true
console.log(Object.hasOwn(student, 'id'));// false

console.log(student.hasOwnProperty('name'));// true
console.log(student.hasOwnProperty('id'));// false

Next, Create an Object using Object.create(null) syntax throws an error hasOwn returns true hasOwnProperty throws an error.

This is the main difference between using hasOwn over hasOwnProperty method

let employee = Object.create(null);
employee.id = 35;
console.log(Object.hasOwn(student, 'id'));// true
console.log(employee.hasOwnProperty('id'));// Error: employee.hasOwnProperty is not a function