Images are displayed using the img
tag in HTML.
Images display and show the pictures or clickable links.
For showing an image, an img
tag is used.
To get a clickable image link, Wrap the img
tag inside the anchor link.
Images also contain attributes like height, width src, and alt
In this post, we are going to learn How to
- adding images to markdown
- Show images in HTML as links
- Adding alt to markdown images
How to add an image in Markdown
Images types are inline image
or image links
with different syntaxes.
Inline images
Adding images in Markdown is simple and easy.
Inline image syntax is similar to links inline syntax except starting starts with! symbol followed by inline links syntax.
Inline links contain text that displays to the user enclosed in square brackets []
and link URL enclosed in parentheses ()
Here is a syntax

And output is
<img src="image url" alt="alt text" title="image Title" />
text added as text to the alt
Title added as a title
attribute of an image.
The above syntax displays the image,
In the next section, learn how to add a link to the image.
How to add an image with a link
create an image with an anchor link like combining both images inline and inline links
[](anchor link)
[](anchor link)
It generates and displays an image.
How to add width to markdown images
There is no support for markdown standard syntax for adding width.
You can use a plain img tag which works as expected in markdown pages.
<img src="image url" alt="alt text" title="image Title" width="150"/>
You can also add height using the same img tag.
<img src="image url" alt="alt text" title="image Title" height="150"/>
It is an extended Markdown syntax available for changing height and width.
Easily change width and height in pandoc Markdown syntax.
{ width=60%,height:30px }