This tutorial explains escape special characters in yaml files.

Characters are easily added to yaml for reading.

Normal strings are represented in yaml values as a string. But you need to enclose in double quotes for escape characters or use Unicode enclosed in quotes.

Special characters: ( %,\, { },(),_,- , : [] & * ?,% space : ( ) tab: ( \t ) line break character: ( \n ) The quote character: ( ’ ’ ) The double quote character: ( “)

Yaml escape characters Examples,

By default, yaml does not enclose quotes with strings. When you use special characters, You need to enclose them in double or single quotes. Sometimes, You have a colon and a hyphen in the values.

For example, Url contains these characters, So wrap in double or single quotes instead of escape characters.

--- # Application configuration - application.yaml
author: Franc
        url: ""

How can I escape % characters in YAML?

One way is to use enclose in quotes, the username attribute contains value %, which is enclosed in double quotes.

--- # Application configuration - application.yaml
author: Franc
        username: "% abc"

How do you write special characters in yaml?

Special characters are not displayed as normal strings in yaml values.

You need to enclose double or single quotes which contain special characters.

Special characters : \,:,;,_,(),$,%,^,@,,

How do you escape quotes in YAML?

to special characters quote in yaml, you need to do it in three ways

  • using quotes enclose, for example, name: john' eric
  • using Unicode characters, name: john\u0027eric where \u0027 is a single quote, \u0022 is a double quote.

Does YAML accept special characters?

Yaml can contain normal characters as well as special characters. Special characters can be enclosed using double quotes or special Unicode character

Does the Yaml file contain spaces and quotes?

Yaml file contains any characters, Normal characters are placed without double quotes.

If a string contains special characters, You need to apply escape. escape can be done by

  • using quotes, for example, name: john eric.
  • using Unicode characters, name: john\u0020eric
  • using entity escapes characters, for example, name: john" 0eric

Yaml escape characters list.

  • Space: “\u0020” ``
  • Single quote: “\u0027” (')
  • Double quote: “\u0022” (")
  • space: “ ”
  • colon: “:”
  • ampersand: “&”

How do you get out of the colon in YAML?

Yaml file contains any characters, Normal characters are placed without double quotes.

If the string contains special characters such as a colon, You need to apply escape. escape can be done for the colon as given below

  • using quotes, for example, name: john: eric
  • using Unicode characters, name: john\u0003Aeric
  • using entity escapes characters, for example name: john:0eric

How do I get out of the backslash in YAML?

Yaml contains strings, sometimes, you can include \ as an escape for newlines, tabs These can be enclosed in double quotes.

Example is

  • new line example name: line1\\n line2

  • tab example name: str \\t str2

Can YAML values have spaces?

Yaml file contains spaces that can be escaped using quotes or.

If the string contains special characters such as a colon, You need to apply escape. escape can be done for the colon as given below

  • using quotes, for example, name: john eric
  • using Unicode characters, name: john\u0020eric
  • using entity escapes characters, for example name: john 0eric

How do you represent a string in YAML?

Yaml contains values as a string in double or single quotes. You can also escape special characters using Unicode string.