yaml file validation
is one important to check for the correctness of YAML file content and syntax rules for the YAML file format.
YAML validator checks validation for
- Syntax rules for content
- format YAML content
- Check errors for a node that has a valid key, not found, valid child nodes
- Auto completion
- auto-indentation
Usually, There are a lot of linter programs available to check for validation of the YAML file. There are many ways to check YAML file validation
Command line to install and check yaml validator
yamllint is one of the programs to check via the command line
First, Install yamllint
sudo apt-get install yamllint // ubuntu
sudo dnf install yamllint // Linux
you can validate these files using
yamllint input.yaml
In Python, the pyyaml
package provides validation with yamllint
Here is a command to install the package
pip install --user yamllint
using the Python command, we can validate and print the validation logs to the console
python -c 'import yaml, sys; print(yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin))' < input.yaml
YAML validator with IDE
IDE is a popular code editor to write and validate the code
There is a popular code IDE available.
Visual Studio
: Open source popular editor for popular languages, There are a lot of plugins for YAML linter extensions, You can use red hat yamlEclipse
: popular editor for Java and python, yaml-editor can be used for YAML validationIntelli IDE
: yaml plugin provides YAML language support in IntelliJ editor
yaml validator online tools
There are various online tools, One of them yaml validation online