Hello, World Program is a basic Simple First program or application to code and learn any new programming language.
It just displays the hello world string to the console.
This post shows how to write a Hello World application in Dart Programming language.
Dart Hello World example program
Following are steps to create a Hello World program in the Dart programming language
- First, Open any source code editor
- Create a file called
- Add the following code
//Hello World Sample First Program
void main() {
print('Hello World First Program');
The above program contains three parts.
The comments are ignored by the compiler and provide a useful message about the line or block of a code.
//Hello World Sample First Program
: It is a function called by dart runtime and Entry point for the dart program to execute.
Every dart executable code has a main() function and it does not take any arguments i.e. empty arguments.
Every function in the dart has a return type.
the main() function has a return type void
. It does not return anything.
The function body is enclosed with {}
: It is used to log the string or a message to the console. It is a standalone IO function.
Next, compile and run the program.
How to run the dart program
We can compile and run the program in many ways in Dart programming
Open the terminal command line.
Go to the directory or folder where the program exists.
run the below command(dart HelloWorld.dart)
A:\work\dart>dart HelloWorld.dart Hello World First Program
online browser dartpad
open dartpad in browser
Create a new Pad
Type the HelloWorld code or copy it
Click on the Run button on the opened pad.
you will see the
Hello World First Program
message in the Console window.Source Code Editor or IDE
you can open any editor of your choice such as
Run inbuilt compiler support or open terminal and run as per command line