Kotlin provides inbuilt datatypes.

Kotlin Boolean Type

Boolean type contains true and false values, used in conditional expressions.

Boolean types also contain nullable object types that can be represented using Boolean?.

Any variable can be assigned directly using boolean values, also called implicit declaration. The compiler infers that the Type is based on the value.

The explicit declaration contains the type of variable declared with a value assigned.

Here is an example

// explicit type declaration and conversion
val bool1: Boolean = true 
// implicit type declaration and conversion
val bool2= true

val bool3: Boolean = false
val bool4: Boolean? = null

Kotlin Characters Types

Each character can be declared using the Char type in Kotlin language.

Characters are normal alphabets or escape special characters, declared and assigned with single quotes.

val char1: Char = 'e'
val char2 = 'f'

Special characters examples

Special CharacterDescription
\tTabbed spaces
\bBacked spaces
\nNew line
\'Single quotation
\"Double quotation
\rCarriege Return
\$Dollar symbol

Here is an example of Character type declaration for special characters

val char1: Char = '\t'
val char2 = '\r'

String data types

Kotlin String contains a group of characters.

It contains single-line strings enclosed in Double quotes and multi-line strings in triple quotes. You can check more here