NIm Provides various operators.

  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Athematic Operators

Nim Arthematic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to do operations such as add, division, subtraction, and division multiplication.

  • addition (+) - Returns Integer
  • subtraction(-) - returns Integer
  • Multiplication(*) - Returns Integer
  • Division (/) - Returns floating
  • Division(division) - Returns Integer by ignoring fractional parts
  • Modulus (mod)
+Additionaddition of two or more operandsp+q=50
-Subtractionsubtraction of two or more operandsq-p=10
*Multiplicationmultiplication of two or more operandsp*q=600
/Divideresults quotient after the division of valuesq/p=1.5
DivInteger DivisionReturn the remainder after the division of valuesq div p=5
modModulusReturn the remainder after the division of valuesq mod p=10

Here is an arithmetic operator example

  m = 17
  n = 5

echo m + n
echo  m - n
echo  m * n
echo  m / n
echo m div n
echo m mod n



Nim Relational Operators

Relational operators are used to compare the two operands and return a bool value.

ParameterNumber SymbolDescription
Equal==Both operands are equal or not,return boolean value
Not Equal!=Both operands are equal or not,return boolean value
Less Than<Used in One value is less than other Comparison
Greater Than>Used in One value is greater than other Comparison
Less Than Equal<=Used in One value is less than or equal to other comparisons
Greater Than or Equal>=Used in One value is greater than or equal other comparisons

Relational operator example

let opearnd1 = 10;
let operand2 = 20;
## Comparision Operators example
opearnd1 > operand2;  ## false
operand1 < operand2;  ## true
operand1 >= operand2;  ## false
operand1 <= operand2;  ## true
operand1 == operand2;  ## false
operand1 != operand2;  ## true
operand1 < operand2;  ## true

Nim Logical Operators

Logical operators are applies two operands and return a boolean value always. It is used to evaluate expression truthness.

It supports three operators in operators Logic And operator( and Logic OR operator( or Logic Not operator( not) Logic XOR operator( not)

|Parameter | Symbol |Description |:——–| ————— | |Logical AND| and |Both operands are true, return true, else false| |Logical OR|or|Both or One of the operands is true, return true, else false| |Logical NOT|Not|Returns reverse of Operand value. return true, else false| |Logical XOR |xor|Returns true, if one operand is true, other operation is false|

NIM Logical Operators Examples

This is an example of a logical operator with code.

let opearnd1 = true;
let operand2 = false;
echo operand1 and operand2;
echo operand1 and true;
echo operand1 or true;
echo operand2 or false;

echo not operand1
echo not operand2
echo operand1 xor operand2



Nim Operators

  • shl operator: Bit shift left

Here is an example

echo(100'i8  shl 1)  # -56
echo(100'i16 shl 1)  # 200
echo(100'i32 shl 1)  # 200
echo(100'i64 shl 1)  # 200
  • shr operator: Bit shift right

Here is an example

echo(-100'i8  shr 1)  # -50
echo(-100'i16 shr 1)  # -50
echo(-100'i32 shr 1)  # -50
echo(-100'i64 shr 1)  # -50

addr operator

addr operators return the l-value of a variable. l-value contains the location or value of the location.

Here is an example

var test = "test"

echo repr(addr(test2))
\## ptr 0x42d4e0 --> 0x7fabeffa6090"test"