This tutorial explains how to create a NuxtJS application

How do I create a nuxt app?

Create nuxtjs app

npx nuxt-create-app nuxtapp

It asks for project name

A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: (nuxtapp)

You can enter a new project name or click enter to consider the default project name

Next, It asks for a Programming language, Select Typescript

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language:
> TypeScript

Next, It asks for Package manager, Select the npm option

A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: (Use arrow keys)
> Yarn

It asks for UI framework, and selects Bootstrap Vue

A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: Npm
? UI framework:
  Ant Design Vue
> Bootstrap Vue
  Chakra UI
  Tailwind CSS
  Windi CSS
  View UI

It asks for template engine, select HTML

A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: Npm
? UI framework: Bootstrap Vue
? Template engine: (Use arrow keys)

Select Nuxt.js modules that are required, Selected Axios

A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: Npm
? UI framework: Bootstrap Vue
? Template engine: HTML
? Nuxt.js modules:
>(*) Axios - Promise based HTTP client
 ( ) Progressive Web App (PWA)
 ( ) Content - Git-based headless CMS

It asks for Lining tools, which are used to beautify the code and syntax-checking errors selected ESLint

A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: Npm
? UI framework: Bootstrap Vue
? Template engine: HTML
? Nuxt.js modules: Axios - Promise based HTTP client
? Linting tools:
>(*) ESLint
 ( ) Prettier
 ( ) Lint staged files
 ( ) StyleLint
 ( ) Commitlint

A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: Npm
? UI framework: Bootstrap Vue
? Template engine: HTML
? Nuxt.js modules: Axios - Promise based HTTP client
? Linting tools: ESLint
? Testing framework: (Use arrow keys)
> None
A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: Npm
? UI framework: Bootstrap Vue
? Template engine: HTML
? Nuxt.js modules: Axios - Promise based HTTP client
? Linting tools: ESLint
? Testing framework: Jest
? Rendering mode: (Use arrow keys)
> Universal (SSR / SSG)
  Single Page App
A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: Npm
? UI framework: Bootstrap Vue
? Template engine: HTML
? Nuxt.js modules: Axios - Promise based HTTP client
? Linting tools: ESLint
? Testing framework: Jest
? Rendering mode: Single Page App
? Deployment target: (Use arrow keys)
> Server (Node.js hosting)
  Static (Static/Jamstack hosting)
A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: Npm
? UI framework: Bootstrap Vue
? Template engine: HTML
? Nuxt.js modules: Axios - Promise based HTTP client
? Linting tools: ESLint
? Testing framework: Jest
? Rendering mode: Single Page App
? Deployment target: Server (Node.js hosting)
? Development tools: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)
>( ) jsconfig.json (Recommended for VS Code if you're not using typescript)
 ( ) Semantic Pull Requests
 ( ) Dependabot (For auto-updating dependencies, GitHub only)

A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: Npm
? UI framework: Bootstrap Vue
? Template engine: HTML
? Nuxt.js modules: Axios - Promise based HTTP client
? Linting tools: ESLint
? Testing framework: Jest
? Rendering mode: Single Page App
? Deployment target: Server (Node.js hosting)
? Development tools: jsconfig.json (Recommended for VS Code if you're not using typescript)
? Continuous integration: (Use arrow keys)
> None
  GitHub Actions (GitHub only)
  Travis CI
A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: Npm
? UI framework: Bootstrap Vue
? Template engine: HTML
? Nuxt.js modules: Axios - Promise based HTTP client
? Linting tools: ESLint
? Testing framework: Jest
? Rendering mode: Single Page App
? Deployment target: Server (Node.js hosting)
? Development tools: jsconfig.json (Recommended for VS Code if you're not using typescript)
? Continuous integration: None
? Version control system: (Use arrow keys)
> Git
A:\work>npx create-nuxt-app nuxtapp

create-nuxt-app v5.0.0
✨  Generating Nuxt.js project in nuxtapp
? Project name: nuxtapp
? Programming language: TypeScript
? Package manager: Npm
? UI framework: Bootstrap Vue
? Template engine: HTML
? Nuxt.js modules: Axios - Promise based HTTP client
? Linting tools: ESLint
? Testing framework: Jest
? Rendering mode: Single Page App
? Deployment target: Server (Node.js hosting)
? Development tools: jsconfig.json (Recommended for VS Code if you're not using typescript)
? Continuous integration: None
? Version control system: Git

> [email protected] lintfix
> npm run lint:js -- --fix

> [email protected] lint:js
> eslint --ext ".js,.ts,.vue" --ignore-path .gitignore . --fix

🎉  Successfully created project nuxtapp

  To get started:

        cd nuxtapp
        npm run dev

  To build & start for production:

        cd nuxtapp
        npm run build
        npm run start

  To test:

        cd nuxtapp
        npm run test

  For TypeScript users.

  See :

Change directory

cd nuxtapp

NuxtJS application folder structure

Here is a complete directory structure of Nuxjs application.

|   .babelrc
|   .editorconfig
|   .eslintrc.js
|   .gitignore
|   jest.config.js
|   jsconfig.json
|   nuxt.config.js
|   package-lock.json
|   package.json
|   tree.txt
|   tsconfig.json
|   |   App.js
|   |   axios.js
|   |   bootstrap-vue.js
|   |   client.js
|   |   empty.js
|   |   index.js
|   |   jsonp.js
|   |   loading.html
|   |   middleware.js
|   |   router.js
|   |   router.scrollBehavior.js
|   |   routes.json
|   |   server.js
|   |   utils.js
|   |
|   +---components
|   |       index.js
|   |       nuxt-build-indicator.vue
|   |       nuxt-child.js
|   |       nuxt-error.vue
|   |       nuxt-link.client.js
|   |       nuxt-link.server.js
|   |       nuxt-loading.vue
|   |       nuxt.js
|   |       plugin.js
|   |
|   |
|   +---layouts
|   |       default.vue
|   |
|   +---mixins
|   |       fetch.client.js
|   |       fetch.server.js
|   |
|   +---vetur
|   |       tags.json
|   |
|   \---views
|           app.template.html
|           error.html
|       NuxtLogo.vue
|       Tutorial.vue
|   |   .nojekyll
|   |   200.html
|   |   favicon.ico
|   |   index.html
|   |
|   \---_nuxt
|           031192e.js
|           65493bc.js
|           792b084.js
|           ab15aab.js
|           bea5142.js
|           c2899fc.js
|           eb74563.js
|           LICENSES
|       index.vue
|       favicon.ico