Svelte button component example. It includes how binding click works. I
Svelte Hello-world
Svelte is an open-source javascript compiler that results in high performance and reduced javascript code/.
It is Less bundle in size compared with other frameworks such as React, VueJS, and Angular.
A:\work\w3schools\svelte>npx degit sveltejs/template ButtonExample
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> cloned sveltejs/template#HEAD to ButtonExample
sveltejs/template is a repository to clone as a new project with the given name
Run below commands
npm install npm run build
ButtonExample is the name of the project.
Create a Component
Let’s create a component called button-click.svelte
Each component contains three sections in svelte.
HTML section
It contains HTML code to display the HTML UI.
So, Adding a button using an HTML button tag or input tag.
<button >
Click me
The button needs click event binding, Let’s add button binding in svelte.
Here is a syntax for event binding in svelte
<element on:event|modifier="{functionname}">
on is a keyword to attach event binding to an element. event names are event types such as click or mouseDrag.
the modifier is options passed to events. and following are modifiers
: With this, does not allow to prevent form submission, and drag and drop. It is equal to an event.preventDefault()
stopPropagation: equal to event.stopPropagation() method, allows preventing parent event bubbles.
:equal to passive: true for event listener
:equal to passive: false for event listener
:equal to once: true for event listener
: equal to capture: true for event listener
: Event listener calls if event is dispatched from the same element, but not from children
Here is an example
<button on:click="{sayHello}">
Click me
is a function called whenever a button clicks.
In the script, Create a function sayhello()
like below
function sayHello() {
console.log("Hello World")
Here is an example button-click.svelte
function sayHello() {
console.log("Hello World")
<h1> Button Click Event example</h1>
<button on:click="{sayHello}">
Click me
How to pass parameters to button click event in svelte?
You can pass the parameters to function as below syntax
<button on:click={() => printName("John")}> Print </button>
Inside use an arrow expression with the parenthesis({}) and braces to pass parameters to a function.
Here is a component example
function printName(name) {
console.log("Hello", name);
<h1>Button Click Event passing data example</h1>
<button on:click={() => printName("kiran")}> Print </button>
An example to increment and decrement numbers with an example
This example has two buttons- increment and decrement On clicking the increment button, It increments the numbers by 1. On clicking the decrement button, It decrements the numbers by 1.
Finally, the result updates the result to input text.
In Scripts,
- Created a reactive variable number initialized with zero.
- used arrow function syntax to create a function.
- These functions are bound to buttons.
- Input text is assigned with a reactive variable using {} syntax
let number = 0;
let increment = () => (number += 1);
let decrement = () => (number -= 1);
<h1>Button Increment and decrement example</h1>
<button on:click={increment}>Increment</button>
<button on:click={decrement}>Decrement</button>
<input value={number} size="9" />