The Redis configuration file is located in the root directory of the redis installation directory.
File name is redis.conf
in mac and linux,
file in Windows.
Redis installation comes with a default configuration, You can still change the default configuration using the command line or redis.conf
Redis configuration
The Redis configuration file is used to change the default settings of a Redis server.
Let’s see How to view configuration and update configuration in the command
- How to view default configuration
you can use either the redis-cli config command or interactive shell config command.
CONFIG GET configuration_name
Let’s run the command with the configuration_name
value as the pattern (*
config get *
list out all configurations and default value> config get *
1) "dbfilename"
2) "dump.rdb"
3) "requirepass"
4) ""
5) "masterauth"
6) ""
7) "cluster-announce-ip"
8) ""
9) "unixsocket"
10) ""
11) "logfile"
12) "server_log.txt"
13) "pidfile"
14) ""
15) "slave-announce-ip"
16) ""
17) "replica-announce-ip"
18) ""
19) "maxmemory"
20) "0"
21) "proto-max-bulk-len"
22) "536870912"
23) "client-query-buffer-limit"
24) "1073741824"
25) "maxmemory-samples"
26) "5"
27) "lfu-log-factor"
28) "10"
29) "lfu-decay-time"
30) "1"
31) "timeout"
32) "0"
33) "active-defrag-threshold-lower"
34) "10"
35) "active-defrag-threshold-upper"
36) "100"
37) "active-defrag-ignore-bytes"
38) "104857600"
39) "active-defrag-cycle-min"
40) "5"
41) "active-defrag-cycle-max"
42) "75"
43) "active-defrag-max-scan-fields"
44) "1000"
45) "auto-aof-rewrite-percentage"
46) "100"
47) "auto-aof-rewrite-min-size"
48) "67108864"
49) "hash-max-ziplist-entries"
50) "512"
51) "hash-max-ziplist-value"
52) "64"
53) "stream-node-max-bytes"
54) "4096"
55) "stream-node-max-entries"
56) "100"
57) "list-max-ziplist-size"
58) "-2"
59) "list-compress-depth"
60) "0"
61) "set-max-intset-entries"
62) "512"
63) "zset-max-ziplist-entries"
64) "128"
65) "zset-max-ziplist-value"
66) "64"
67) "hll-sparse-max-bytes"
68) "3000"
69) "lua-time-limit"
70) "5000"
71) "slowlog-log-slower-than"
72) "10000"
73) "latency-monitor-threshold"
74) "0"
75) "slowlog-max-len"
76) "128"
77) "port"
78) "6379"
79) "cluster-announce-port"
80) "0"
81) "cluster-announce-bus-port"
82) "0"
83) "tcp-backlog"
84) "511"
85) "databases"
86) "16"
87) "repl-ping-slave-period"
88) "10"
89) "repl-ping-replica-period"
90) "10"
91) "repl-timeout"
92) "60"
93) "repl-backlog-size"
94) "1048576"
95) "repl-backlog-ttl"
96) "3600"
97) "maxclients"
98) "10000"
99) "watchdog-period"
100) "0"
101) "slave-priority"
102) "100"
103) "replica-priority"
104) "100"
105) "slave-announce-port"
106) "0"
107) "replica-announce-port"
108) "0"
109) "min-slaves-to-write"
110) "0"
111) "min-replicas-to-write"
112) "0"
113) "min-slaves-max-lag"
114) "10"
115) "min-replicas-max-lag"
116) "10"
117) "hz"
118) "10"
119) "cluster-node-timeout"
120) "15000"
121) "cluster-migration-barrier"
122) "1"
123) "cluster-slave-validity-factor"
124) "10"
125) "cluster-replica-validity-factor"
126) "10"
127) "repl-diskless-sync-delay"
128) "5"
129) "tcp-keepalive"
130) "300"
131) "cluster-require-full-coverage"
132) "yes"
133) "cluster-slave-no-failover"
134) "no"
135) "cluster-replica-no-failover"
136) "no"
137) "no-appendfsync-on-rewrite"
138) "no"
139) "slave-serve-stale-data"
140) "yes"
141) "replica-serve-stale-data"
142) "yes"
143) "slave-read-only"
144) "yes"
145) "replica-read-only"
146) "yes"
147) "slave-ignore-maxmemory"
148) "yes"
149) "replica-ignore-maxmemory"
150) "yes"
151) "stop-writes-on-bgsave-error"
152) "yes"
153) "daemonize"
154) "no"
155) "rdbcompression"
156) "yes"
157) "rdbchecksum"
158) "yes"
159) "activerehashing"
160) "yes"
161) "activedefrag"
162) "no"
163) "protected-mode"
164) "yes"
165) "repl-disable-tcp-nodelay"
166) "no"
167) "repl-diskless-sync"
168) "no"
169) "aof-rewrite-incremental-fsync"
170) "yes"
171) "rdb-save-incremental-fsync"
172) "yes"
173) "aof-load-truncated"
174) "yes"
175) "aof-use-rdb-preamble"
176) "yes"
177) "lazyfree-lazy-eviction"
178) "no"
179) "lazyfree-lazy-expire"
180) "no"
181) "lazyfree-lazy-server-del"
182) "no"
183) "slave-lazy-flush"
184) "no"
185) "replica-lazy-flush"
186) "no"
187) "dynamic-hz"
188) "yes"
189) "maxmemory-policy"
190) "noeviction"
191) "loglevel"
192) "notice"
193) "supervised"
194) "no"
195) "appendfsync"
196) "everysec"
197) "appendonly"
198) "no"
199) "dir"
200) "A:\\Java\\Redis"
201) "save"
202) "900 1 300 10 60 10000"
203) "client-output-buffer-limit"
204) "Normal 0 0 0 slave 268435456 67108864 60 pubsub 33554432 8388608 60"
205) "unixsocketperm"
206) "0"
207) "slaveof"
208) ""
209) "notify-keyspace-events"
210) ""
211) "bind"
212) "">
Let’s see an command to view specific configurations.> config get dbfilename
1) "dbfilename"
2) "dump.rdb"> config get databases
1) "databases"
2) "16"
is the default file name configuration, used to store data.
are a number of the database created, default is 16.
How to update redis configuration via command line?
There are multiple things, you change settings.
- Directly update the
file, restart the server - using client libraries’ code
- use the config set command.
Let’s see the config set command.
config set configuration_name configuration_value
Here is an example to change the maxmemory
configuration in Redis.
default maxmemory is 0, changed it 256 for maximum memory allocated for redis instance.> config get maxmemory
1) "maxmemory"
2) "0"> config set maxmemory 256
OK> config get maxmemory
1) "maxmemory"
2) "256"
Redis configuration file
redis.conf file contains the following items
- Load modules
- Password for Redis instance
- Master replica replication
- Memory Settings
- Lazy Freeing
- Append mode
- Lua Scripting
- Redis Cluster configuration
- Cluster docker, NAT configuration
- Latency Monitoring
- Event notification
- Includes other configuration files
- Network and snapshot settings