Pycharm provides Inbuilt features
- Find
- Replace
- Find in Files
- Replace in Files
How to Search a word in all files of the python project
First way, using file menu:
- To search for a word in a file
either use one of the options
- Go to
Menu ->Find
Option ->Find in Files
Or with Shortcut command
- Windows or Linux:
Ctrl + Shift + f
- Mac :
⇧ + ⌘ + F
- Windows or Linux:
It opens Find in Files Dialog window
Type a search word in a search box, It filters the result
Second-way using Action Options:
use the shortcut command to open the Action window
- Windows:
Ctrl + Shift + A
- Mac :
⇧ + ⌘ + A
- Windows:
It opens Action Popup, type
Find in Files
in the search boxIt opens Find in the Files window
Type a search word in a search box, It filters the result for searching text.
Third way using Right click on Project:
- Right-click on a project and Context Menu appeared
- Select Find in the Files Option
- It opens Find in the Files window
- Type a search word in a search box, It filters the result for searching text.