This tutorials shows you multiple ways to install and uninstall yarn in Different environment.
Install yarn globally
Multiple ways we can do install yarn globally.
In MacOS, using homebrew command
brew install yarn
In Windows, with choco package manager
choco install yarn
In linux or ubuntu
sudo npm install -g yarn
Uninstall yarn globally
In MacOS, using homebrew command
brew uninstall yarn
In Windows, with choco package manager
choco uninstall yarn
In linux or ubuntu
sudo npm uninstall -g yarn
with apt package users in Unix
sudo apt-get remove yarn && sudo apt-get purge yarn
with yum package users in Unix
yum remove yarn
Verify Yarn is installed
After installation or uninstallation, you can check if the version exists or not with the following command:
yarn –version
Running this command will display information about the installed version. If the version is present, you’ll receive details about it.
Another way, if you are uninstalling yarn globally,You have to follow below steps
which yarn
This commands gives the path of yarn Next, step remove the path by using following command.
rm -rf path
How to uninstall yarn from a Project?
Run the following steps to uninstall and remove yarn from a NodeJS project.
Change to application directory
cd application
uninstall yearn using npm uninstall command
npm uninstall yarn
remove .yarn folder and .yarnrc.yml and yarn.lock file
rm -rf .yarn rm -rf .yarnrc.yml rm -rf yarn.lock
Open package.json in VS Code or any editor and remove yarn dependencies
Next, .gitignore is a git ignore file, used not to commit the files to git repository. Open .gitignore in VS Code or any editor and remove yarn related files if exist.
You can do a project level search using yarn references in VS Code or any editor, and remoe it